Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Disappointed yet again:(

So the apartment I had mentioned in an earlier post, which I was sure we would get didn't happen. We were told we were'nt approved today, so it has definitely not been a good day. Why is it that when we want something so bad it doesn't workout? I was so anxious to finally be on our own and not have everyone in our business. I'm just so sick of being disappointed all the time, my dad always tells me that "life is full of disappointment" but It still doesn't help! In a way I guess this is a good thing not getting the apartment, because now we can save up money and get our credit up. You could say It's a blessing in disguise! The good news is (there always has to be good news along with the bad) my sister said we could move in with her because her husband is working in Wyoming and she doesn't like being alone, this arrangement will benefit both of us in the long run! Anyways this is a short post and I'll post some pictures when we get settled into my sister's house!

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