Friday, August 21, 2009

Seeking Help!

I've been debating for awhile If I wanted to post about this topic, but since this is what's been going on in our lives I decided I should.

James and I have officially been married for one year, which I didn't even write about so I guess I should say something about that first. We didn't end up doing a whole lot because I wasn't feeling that good so we just went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then came home. We were going to go to a movie but my parents had a pipe break in our front yard, so James helped my brother in-law take care of that.

Anyways so back to what I originally was going to write about, since we have been married for a year and we've been trying to have a baby for that long and nothing's happened, we decided it was time to seek help. So first was my appointment at the OBGYN's which went really good considering what we there for. I had my first pap smear which I definitely didn't enjoy but honestly who does? I was very hesitant to go to this doctor because I didn't know of anyone who had been to him, but I'm really glad I found him because I really like him. He prescribed Clomid to me, which is what all doctor's start with I've been told, but at the same time he told me to schedule an HSG to check if my fallopian tubes were blocked. I had this test today and I'm not going to lie it's definitely not painless, it wasn't the worst thing in the world but I had some seriously horrible cramps for most of the day:( Thank goodness I got the good news that nothing's wrong and my tubes are wide open! Now we seek help for James.

James had his first appointment about a week ago and that went pretty good, we really like his doctor also and he's already got a plan in place! James was told he needed to have an ultrasound the next day(I'm not going to go into any details here, but let's just say there is something wrong with him), that came and went and about a week later we got the results.....James needs surgery which they say should take care of our problems. His surgery is in two weeks and I'll update after that. My doctor wants me to take clomid for three months and then if nothing he said we'll talk about our other options. I'm not thinking anything else will be necessary because between my test(which is supposed to make you really fertile) and James' surgery(which will take care of our big problem) I think I could possibly be pregnant within the next few months.

Although we weren't given the good news that not a thing was wrong with either of us and it will just happen when it's the right time, I'm just relieved to know what's wrong and that it can be resolved rather easily! I'm not so worried about trying to get pregnant anymore, after James gets surgery I think we'll just wait and see what happens, because I definitely don't want to go back to the hospital for anymore tests anytime soon:) Sorry this is such a long post it's just that I've waited awhile to post anything because I didn't know what I wanted to say, so now there's so much to say.

The other thing that's happened in the last couple weeks is that James got a raise, not only is he going to be making an hourly wage but now he'll be receiving commission for the cars he does full details, paint protectors, or undercoats on. This is going to help us extremely because he'll be making much more than he does now and we can possibly move out again! Well that's about all and this post is already too long so I'll try to write more often.


Alverson girls said...

It took Jeremy and I 5 years to have Jayda. So I know some of what you are going through. It will happen. Just have faith, and do what your Dr.'s say!

Jenny said...

I'm glad they were able to figure out what is wrong and will be able to fix the problem. I agree with Jaylynn; have faith and follow the advice of your doctors. It will work out.

Love ya Christine! And congrats on your anniversary.

Kaeloni said...

So glad to hear it! Congrats on 1 year! That's awesome!

The Wibergs said...

Boo to moving out! ;) We'd miss you to much.

Happy anniversary. I'm glad they found the problem and it won't be to hard to remedy.