Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life Is Good

Yesterday I started watching my sister's friend's little girl, her name is Jerzi and she's almost four months. It's been quite awhile since we've had a baby in our house so she's definitely getting spoiled! I'm still tending my niece Natalie and nephew Tyson, and now with Jerzi it's very tiring. Although it's very tiring watching all three kids, it's also very rewarding. I absolutely love kids and can't wait to have my own so i'm really enjoying this. Yesterday I really felt like a mother to three because we were all at Walmart and I had Jerzi in her car seat on top of the cart, Natalie wanted to hold my hand so I was holding her hand and with my other trying to steer the cart. My sister had to go get my nephew from school because we weren't done checking out yet, and while my sister was gone Jerzi started crying since it was getting to be time for her to eat again. It was overwhelming to say the least I definitely don't know how women can take all their kids to the store with them and keep their sanity! Anyways it's sure a joy to have Jerzi around and the other two sure make life fun.

With watching Jerzi we're one step closer to moving out on our own since I'm now getting more money. We're hoping to be out of my parents by the beginning of summer If all goes well. I can't wait to have my own place especially since i'm now watching three kids and I think it's just too much for my mom to handle. We've been married 7 months already and it's time to be on our own!! Living with my parents we have a little kitchen area downstairs but it's not very big and we can't fit all our stuff in it. We got soo much kitchen utensils and everything else for our wedding that we definitely can't fit it all here and it will be so nice to have a place for all of it soon. Well that's about all that's going on in our lives right now, I'll try to post more regularly once we move out, but for now it's going to be sporadic because by the time Jerzi goes home i'm ready to go to bed!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tragedy Strikes

Thursday night I lost my aunt and uncle along with my cousin's wife due to a horrible car accident. My cousin, his wife, three of their kids and my aunt and uncle were driving to Wyoming to see their daughter's basketball game. It was windy and snowy they hit some black ice and the car rolled several times. My uncle was thrown from the car and pronounced dead at the scene, my cousin's wife was also killed at the scene. My aunt was taken to a local hospital with injuries and later died Friday morning from a heart attack. This was such a tragic and unfortunate event I'm still kind of in shock not quite sure how to wrap my mind arround this. It's hard enough when one person dies but to lose three all at once, it's almost unbearable.

I was over at my cousins house a few days ago and I saw a really good quote on her fridge, I can't remember all of it but I think the most important part said "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it." I think that's very comforting to someone who is grieving over the loss of a loved one, and I think the knowledge that we have as members of the LDS church that we will see all those who have passed on again someday is the only thing that can get someone through such a loss. We will miss them terribly but everyday it will get a little bit better and the pain will eventually go away. We'll learn to cope and life will go on. I keep thinking how my cousin's five children will go on without their mom and it just breaks my heart, but somehow someway they will and they know they will see her again. I know they are in a better place, god be with them until we meet again:)